Electronics Simulator (Under development)


  1. a real-time electronics simulator in VR. The game mechanics, UI and interactions were designed by me.

Learnt while making the game

  1. XR Interaction Toolkit for VR

  2. designed the logic for game mechanisms from scratch

  3. advanced C#

  4. writing clean and maintable code

Thought Process

  1. Connection Checking

    Connection Checking works for any combination of circuit components where it dynamically checks at every node of the circuit to see : 1. if the circuit is connected or not, 2. if the components are connected in correct polarity, 3. if there is a burnt component connected.

    Here is an example of checking connection for a circuit of: Led, Resistor and battery

  2. Videos showcasing Checking Connections for different cases:

    ● Battery, resistor circuit:

    ● Battery, resistor, Led circuit connected in right polarity:

    ● Battery, resistor, Led circuit connected with wrong polarity:

  3. Resistor UI

    the user enter the value of resistor it wants and the nearest real value of this resistance is instantiated
    1. User enter the value and symbol through the keypad
    2. value is converted to the nearest real value available
    3. value is converted into resistance in ohms by interpreting the symbol
    4. color bands are determined (no1band, no2band, multiplier band) of resistance based on Resistance value in ohms
    5. resistance and color bands are assigned to the Instantiated Resistor

  4. Wire Connection

    by pressing primary button right (A)

    1. checks if we are in simulation mode or connection mode
    2.1 if in simulation mode: no wire instantiated and cannot connect
    2.2 if in connection mode: wire instantiated and connect wire to the terminal of component
    (each terminal of components has socket that interacts with the wire terminal to connect to it)
    5. resistance and color bands are assigned to the Instantiated Resistor

First Try

  1. I first tried making the game 4 months ago using Oculus Integration but the code was very spaghetti and it contained some bugs.That's why later I made it with much cleaner and maintable code

    Watch on YouTube